TBX Version 2 -> TBX Version 3 Converter

The purpose of this converter is to update any valid dialect of TBX to the new ISO standard 30042 with the appropriate tags and formatting. Simply upload a file and the converter will return the file to you in the new format.

Please note, if the value of the “type” attribute is not a known valid TBX dialect name the Converter will return an error. The following is an example of an invalid type attribute in the <martif> element of the TBX file:

Invalid TBX type

The proper format is type=”TBX-[Dialect]”. The program will try its best to inform the user what the dialect is based on the file’s contents. In cases where type=”TBX”, the file will be declared “TBX-Basic” and will include links to the TBX-Basic schema. This means that such a file will be validated as though it were TBX-Basic. Data categories in the file which are not compliant with TBX-Basic will throw errors in a validator (such as Oxygen XML). These will need to be manually edited as the validator dictates.

For a summary of the changes made in this revision please visit this page to know more.

Please upload the desired TBX file to be converted. The converter should run immediately after file upload:



If the above converter did not work, you can use the legacy converter below by uploading your file and clicking “Convert”:



For a collection of sample files for testing, download the Updater Files.